Travel & Stay

Getting there

The wedding weekend itself will take place at Masseria Amastuola in Crispiano, Puglia, which is about one hour from the nearest airport.

- Salento Airport in Brindisi - approximately 86 km / 60 minutes from Crispiano.

- Bari International Airport in Bari - approximately 94km / 1 hr 10 minutes from Crispiano.

Flights cost around £150-200 per person including baggage. We’ll add flight recommendations from Edinburgh Airport once they are released.

You are welcome to hire a car and we will also be putting on transport across the whole weekend. We'll be in touch nearer to the wedding to ask for your location and transport needs.


Where to stay

We hope you understand the limited accommodation at Masseria Amastuola has been reserved for the bridal party and immediate family members.

For all other guests, we would recommend booking a room at Hotel Parco delle Querce. It’s only 15 minutes from Crispiano and we’ll provide shuttle buses to and from there all weekend for guests.

Please note most hotels have not yet released rooms for May 2024. We will let you know once booking is open.

Further hotel and b&b recommendations will be available here in due course.